The Resonant Horse

The Resonant Horse is a 501(C)3 organization, committed to changing the world through magnificent interactions with horses.

/ Mission & Vision


To build resilience and encourage freedom through connection with horses and ourselves.

/ Mission & Vision


To encourage Equine Facilitated Learning to be an option open to all of humanity, children and adults alike. To allow such learning to be on the forefront of those seeking greater mental, spiritual and emotional health.To allow horses to guide us to what we need to change in order to reach our goals. To live in freedom and service to others, with the love we have been shown.

/ Board of Directors

Who We Are

We are a passionate group of animal lovers who have partnered together, along with horses, to change the lives of those who come into contact with us. At the helm is Mindy Tatz Chernoff, B.A., M.A. who has been involved with loving and caring for horses since 1965.

/ our work

What We Do

We join together with horses to elicit change, transformation and freedom to all participants. With the involvement of horses, we offer workshops, one-on-one experiences, lessons, Horse Circles, and hands-on sessions, both unmounted and mounted. Again, with the horses, we use tools of kindness, mindfulness, curiosity and hope. The Resonant Horse uses a “Socially intelligent, non-predatory approach to personal development, leadership, innovation, collaboration and power.” (Linda Kohanov, The Power of the Herd, used by permission.)

/ our work

How We Do It

We reach these goals by being deeply present to each and every individual who graces the farm. We focus on what they need, and how the horses can aid them in reaching their highest goals and their potential.

Every life lesson can be learned in the barn, and the horses are integral in modeling for us what we need to learn in order to grow, stay open and thrive. Perhaps one needs to focus on appropriate boundaries.  Exercises with the horse can help.

Perhaps one has issues of trust, horses can aid in that. Whatever form of suffering one presents with, the horses can aid and create tremendous change. Under the eye of a skilled facilitator, healing, progress and freedom can occur!

We host a variety of courses, from “Women’s Wellness Evening Camp with Horses” to Courses for Teenagers, to aid them in acquiring skills to manage stress and discomfort.

/ our work

Why We Do It

We do it because we have seen how horses have transformed our lives. We do it because we were created with a strong, innate love and passion for these magnificent sentient creatures. We do it because we know that partnering with them changes lives. Simply put, horses heal. We do it because, like the air we breathe, horses are an indispensable part of our lives. We do it because we would not want to live our lives any other way.